About Us

Debra D. Ming-Mendoza Clerk's Office

The duties and responsibilities of the County Clerk are many and varied, but in essence can be described as the clerical arm of Madison County Government.

The main functions of this office include:  

  • Serving as Clerk to the County Board and performing such duties as officially filing all matters to be brought before the Board, notifying all Board members of meetings, preparing and publishing the minutes of the Board meetings and keeping accurate files of Board minutes.
  • Administering and delivering such services to the general public as issuance of marriage license, commissioning notary publics, receiving delinquent taxes, annually publishing a County Directory of the personnel and elected officials of the County and municipal office holders, maintaining population statistics and assessed valuation records of the County as well as for various school districts, townships and municipalities.  
  •  Administering and delivering tax services such as annually calculating the rate for various taxing authorities and working with the Supervisor of Assessments, Board of Review, County Auditor, County Treasurer and Processing Department to issue property tax bills.
  • Conducting and administering voter registration services and managing all election proceedings.
  • Maintaining records of the County's vital statistics and records including birth, death and marriage certificates and reporting statistics to the State, as required by law.